
Author Allysa Hart

Stories with spank ;-)



Sat Spanks Take 14

Hi Sat Spankers,

Guess what? I have a new book, A Well Placed Wish being released on July 21, 2017.

I lost everything, was shipped off to live with an aunt I barely knew, and was put to work cleaning her dilapidated antique shop.
And then, I met Callum.
Or should I say I released him?

I was a socialite with a strong sense of entitlement and a lot of anger.
He was a Dominant genie with a hard body and an even harder hand.
It could never work.
Could it?

Before I share my snippet would you please take a moment to support my Thunderclap campaign for my upcoming release? Thanks so much!

Thunderclap campaign link:

And now for my snippet…

“You, little girl, need a Daddy.” Callum’s voice echoed.

“Yeah? Are you applying for the position?” I shot back with all of the sass I had.

Approaching me, he took my wrists in a tight hold, backed me against the wall and pinned my hands above my head. “Consider me the only applicant, because no one touches what’s mine. And you are most definitely mine.”

Coming to your e-reader July 21, 2017

Sat SpanksTake 4

2 More Sat Spanks until release day! November 1st my first story will be published and I could not be happier. This story encompasses everything that I love to see in an age play. Emotions, fun, shenanigans, and lotsa discipline. Maren Smith said it best….


Continue reading “Sat SpanksTake 4”

Saturday Spankings Take 3

I have a release date! November 1st my first story will be uploaded to Amazon and everywhere else shortly after. My editors and publisher Twisted Hearts Productions have done wonders and made my story the best it could possibly be. I can not wait for you all to meet Katie and the rest of the family.

I am just going to continue from last week if that is okay. I love this scene. Mark is the best Daddy in the whole wide world.

Continue reading “Saturday Spankings Take 3”

Saturday Spankings Take 2

One step closer to having my first book out and being a published author! I still can’t believe it. Twisted Hearts Productions are busting their tails to finish editing. Every update I get, I love the story even more. Okay, so I am going to continue from last week, and from my WIP It Up Wednesday. If you have not read the last two then hop over and check them out.

Continue reading “Saturday Spankings Take 2”

My First Saturday Spanking!


My first story is in the final stages of editing with Twisted Hearts Productions and I am so excited. I still can not believe that I am going to be a Published Author! Is this real life? Somebody spank me, please!!! Okay, freak out over, for now at least. Here is the cover, blurb, and excerpt of Adopting Katie. I hope with all of my heart that you enjoy it all.

Continue reading “My First Saturday Spanking!”

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